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The Project

This site is a prototype. An idea in development! It aims to combine the multimedia technology and information of the historical temples of Rio de Janeiro showing the events and needs that gave rise to these important points in Rio's history. Here we intend to explore the history, architecture, art and religion associated with it. We will delve into the curiosities and give tips on activities that can, or should, be performed at these locations.

One of the motivators for building this environment was the famous dialogue between Shaun and Will in the movie Good Will Hunting, where Shaun shows the importance of living that reality, not just reading about it (click here to read the dialogue or here to see the part of the movie). Thus, information will be provided here that will motivate you to go to these places and feel what it is like to be there. When we travel outside our city, we will always visit the historical sites. So why not do it here in our city / state / country? Worth it! They are places of prayer, but they are part of our history and many important facts have happened in them. Many churches allow more than praying.

Today, we are approximately 208 million inhabitants in Brazil. So, nothing better as an internet environment to allow more people to access this content.

In the future, in addition to this site, an application will be developed for tablets / cell phones, in order to provide a summary of the information present here in a more interactive way and allowing your consultation in the temples themselves. I also hope with this app get financial help to maintain this environment, provide more relevant information and test new ideas.

Feel free to participate in this construction! Submit your temple tips, photos (old and new), stories about these places, and / or any other input you think will add value to this environment.

Thanks for listening!

If you want to contribute with this project, with any amount, please click in the blue button above!


This is a donation tool only available in portuguese.


If you want to know more details about this financial aid please click here. 


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