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Church of the Holy Cross of the Military


Original name:

Igreja de Santa Cruz dos Militares

Kind of building:




Main style:


Original building erected on:


Current building erected on:


Supporting entity:

*** We are working to obtain this information.



*** We are working to obtain this information.

Mass times

The History

It has its origins with a chapel built over then ruins of the Fort of Santa Cruz (XVII Century). In 1623, even being in precarious condition and without strategic function, the military ask for Martim Correia de Sá, the Governor at the time, permission to build the chapel and a cemetery. So they would have a place to pray and to bury their dead. The permission was given and five years later in 1628 the chapel was inaugurated under the name Chapel of Santa Vera Cruz, with devotion to the Saint with the same name.


It served as cathedral in two occasions, from 1703 and 1704 and from 1734 to 1737 when the Saint Sebastian Church (Se Cathedral), at the Castle Hill (Morro do Castelo), was on poor structural conditions.


Needing some renovations, in 1780, it begun the construction of a new church(the current one), already under the name Santa Cruz Military Church. The renovations only ended on 1811 (31 years later). It is consecrated on the 28th of October of 1811 with the oficial insertion of “Santa Cruz” on the presence of D.John VI, then the acting prince.


In 1840 a fire destroys almost all of the interior decoration done by Master Valentim. Master Antônio de Pádua e Castro, in 1870, renovates the interior creating a new decor also taking advantage of everything that was left. In 1914, a new renovation modified the interior.


*** Text being developed.

Photos - Old Ones
Photos - Inside
Photos - Outside
How to get there?

Nearest subway station:

Uruguaiana (about 1,969 ft)

Get off at Uruguaiana Station. There you should look for the exit towards Uruguaiana Street. Right in front of the exit there will be Alfândega Street, a straight line that will take you to Primeiro de Março Street, your final destination.

Walking along Alfândega Street you will cross Rio Branco Avenue, Quitanda Street, will pass by Our Lady Mother of Men Church, cross Candelária Street (where you’ll have a partial view of the Candelária Church), and finally arrive at Primeiro de Março Street where you should take a right turn.

If you actually take the right turn you’ll be on facing the cars while walking. Go towards the cross lane at Rosário Street and go to the other side of the street.

The church will be after the cross lane.



Rua Primeiro de Março, 36


(21) 2509-3878




Open hours:

Monday to friday, from 9 am to 5 pm

Saturdays, from 12 am to 12:30 pm

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*** Texto em elaboração.

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